Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Juneathon Meltdown

The first half of Juneathon went well.  I managed to get in 15 day of exercise in a row and blog about it.  My legs were tired but there was a nice sense of satisfaction at managing to get in 15 days of exercise in a row and I was starting to notice the difference from the core exercises.

Then meltdown.  I felt run down.  I know tiredness is a state of mind but I lost my motivation and a bit of my willpower to continue exercising everyday.  I also backed away from the Internet, so I've read no posts and written none since June 15th.  This is not to say that I have not ran during this period because I did, I just didn't do what I hoped I would.

I guess I found out how tough Juneathon is if you are not prepared for it.  I'll be back next year with Janathon and hopefully will make a better go at it then.

So since the 15th of June I've ran a total of three times.  Once for 17km, another for 6km both shown below, and I also ran a Half Marathon race, the strawberry half.  Race report to follow.  It's back on the horse again and the next run will be the first run of my 18 week Dublin City Marathon schedule, a schedule I hope I am better at sticking to.

1 comment:

  1. My top tip for Janathon would be to allow yourself "rest" days where you throw in a token run to stay in the game. But then I am a sloth not a bona fide runner.
