Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Killer Run

Tonight's run was tough, tough, tough.  Granted it was self inflicted torture and in some sick way I enjoyed it.  OK maybe I didn't really enjoy the whole of the run but I definitely enjoyed the finish and the finish time.  This was my last fast run before the half marathon, with Saturday my last long run.  After that it's reducing everything until the race.

I decided as this was the last fast run to put it all out there and see what time I hit.  I ran the first 1km fast, not at full throttle, but fast and then stopped to stretch.  After the stretch I ran faster, trying to go to the threshold while not pushing too hard that I wouldn't finish the 5km.  After 2km my legs began to tire and my heart rate began to explode.  After 4km I thought I was going to keel over and began to think I would not finish the 5km.  My body wanted to stop but my mind kept pushing me on and on.  Finally I reached the 5km and stopped, trying to catch my breath.  I had run my heart out.  My fastest 5km before this was 24:22.  Today I ran the same distance in 23:04, a full 1 minute and 18 seconds faster.  No wonder I thought I was going to collapse.  At least I'll sleep well tonight.


  1. Way to hang in there. Look forward to reading about the 1/2. Good luck. Peace EricG

  2. I'm starting to learn a bit about my own determination. Never thought I'd run 5km in under 25 minutes, now I'm only 5 seconds off running it under 23 minutes. Feeling good.
