Thursday, March 24, 2011

Short Run

We travelled up to the centre of Portugal today.  My brother in law is celebrating his 30th birthday on Saturday so there will be a big party.  Of course I brought my running gear with me and when things had settled down a bit I went out for a run, not my best one this year but OK.

It was getting late and the sun was about to go down but I still went out the door.  In Pinhel there are not really any footpaths and running from there to Autoguia again no paths.  I ran about 750m when I decided to look at the Garmin to see how I was going.  My first thought was "oh, that's strange".  My second thought was, "I forgot to turn it on".  I hit start and after 250m stopped to stretch.  After the stretch was a big hill. Half way up I began to think that I didn't remember this hill being this tough.  Three quarters of the way up I was contemplating walking and it took all my energy to keep going.  Once at the top there is a nice straight road with a little place on each side that the cars won't knock you down when passing and a full loop is about 1km.  Running in this small space didn't stop a car from trying to hit me though.  A car decided to park and thought I looked like a good location to drop the car on.  OK I probably should have been wearing some reflective gear and with the sun going down I decided the safest option would be to go back to the house.

On the way back I got the run down the nice hill hitting some good speeds along the way.  Coming around the corner another car decided it might try to aid my run by giving me a lift on the bonnet.  I swerved and declined.  I then sprinted out the final little stretch and home.  3.75km on the Garmin, 4.5km in reality.  Hopefully I can get out tomorrow again to make up for the short one today.


  1. Short but sweet by the sound of it!

  2. Was a nice run. Felt good after it but haven't been out since. Home tomorrow so I should be able to get more regular runs in again.
