Friday, February 11, 2011


I've been down with the flu for a few days but feel like I'm on the mend.  Not 100% yet but not far from it now.  My recovery was also aided by a quick delivery from  It's always nice to get a package delivered when you are sick.  The contents of the package shows how I'm becoming more addicted to running.

Since January I've become a compulsive reader of many excellent running blogs and now I'm finding my reading material is also changing.  I ordered three books, all running related.  I'm looking forward to getting to read these over the coming months.  These are the books I bought.

1. Again to Carthage by John L. Parker, Jr.
After reading Once a Runner, which was a brilliant piece of fiction, I wanted to follow the journey of Cassidy.  I hope this book is as good as the previous one.

2. Why We Run by Bernd Heinrich
There are a lot of good books out there on running but this book got me curious.  Why do we run?  I always enjoyed biology in school... hopefully it won't be a tough read.

3. Chi Running by Danny Dreyer

Ever since I injured my IT band in late December 2010 I've been reading a lot about the injury, form, barefoot running, injury free running, etc.  This book seemed a good place to start.  I'm open to new ideas and new was of running that can make me stronger and more aware of what I'm doing and how to strengthen and protect my body.

The two other running books that I've also purchased over the past few months but have not yet started are:

If you have any recommendations on which to read first I'd love to hear it.

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