Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Run of 2010

Having run the last three runs in Portugal where we spent Christmas with my wife's family it was back home to Ireland yesterday for the final run of 2010.

I got up this morning, had a second Christmas with the little man as he opened his Irish presents and then it was out for a run.  8.5km today and although the knees are still a bit in shock over exercising again the heart rate has dropped and its getting easier. A month of this and the level will have improved.

Happy New year.

Run - 31/12/2010
Distance: 8.5km or 5.28 miles
Time: 53:39
Pace: 6:19 m/km or 10.09 m/m
Heart Rate: 159 bpm
Soundtrack: Snow Patrol - A Hundred Million Suns


  1. lol, two christmas in a year! amazing :)

    Today it was an easy run, but the heart rate is still high, hope to see him drop next month..

    Distance: 5km
    Time: 34:43
    Pace: 6:54 m/km
    Heart Rate: 170 bpm

  2. The pace is dropping. If you keep up the training both will drop and there is no reason you can't finsh in under 2 and 1/2 hours.

  3. That will be a very good time, and beside finihs is good to have a time goal in mind to use as motivation :)
