Saturday, August 13, 2011

DCM Week 12: Long Run

This morning I got up to run the longest run I've run to date.  I got dressed, dropped a Nuun tablet in my water, put on my earphone, turned on my ipod, strapped up my right knee, turned on my Garmin and began running.  A nice 500m warm up and some stretches and the run began.

As I'm in a small, small village today the options of somewhere safe and flat to run are a little limited so I ended up running a single road up and down for what must have been 40 times.  I had to go back to the house to refill my water bottles twice but that was fine as the house was never more than 500m away due to where I was running.

The inital stages were a little tough but I kept myself going by not looking at the Gamin, instead I focused on the water and when that was running out.  At a refill stop I allowed myself to check the watch.  1st stop 11km down.  2nd stop 20km done.

Getting started the third time was a struggle as my legs did not seem to have enjoyed the stop and were getting very heavy.  I pushed through and thankfully made it to 25.01km, my longest run ever both in terms of time and distance.  Next weeks long run is only 16km so it will feel like a holiday.


  1. Brilliant - well done for doing so much whilst on your holiday!

  2. Thanks for the comment. It was great to be able to get in so many runs, especially away from home.
