Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Kinvara Speed Run

Today I felt good, no real pain in the Achilles tendon.  I had planned a run for tonight to see how the recovery is going and I decided to try a speed workout and to run in my new Saucony Kinvaras. I had read a lot about the Kinvaras over the past few months and the reviews mostly raved about them.  Recently Saucony have brought out the Kinvara 2 which meant that on Amazon the Kinvaras had become a clearance item, which I picked up for half price.

Immediately I could feel the difference in the shoe as I ran.  It felt great.  I could feel my feet land correctly (at least to me it seemed I was landing on the mid-foot as opposed to my heel).  I also felt I was running fast.  It has been a long time since I did a speed session and the fastest I had run 500m before was a 1:53.63. So how did I preform in the Kinvaras.

1: 2:06.14
2: 1:49.27
3: 1:58.95
4: 1:51.07
5: 1:58.77

4 of the 5 in under 2 minutes and a new PR for 500m, delighted.  Number's 1, 3 and 5 were slightly uphill with 2 and 4 slightly downhill.  All in all a good workout and I see how my Achilles Tendon is in the morning.  So far it feels fine.


  1. Well done - here was I thinking you were running in the coastal Galway town 'Kinvara'...

  2. That would be nice alright... Kinvaras in Kinvara
