Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Juneathon - Day 14: Speed Workout

Today I didn't really know what I was going to do running wise.  I wanted to run at least 6km but how was still to be decided.  I was working until 9pm and when I got changed I decided to do a speed workout.  It had been a while since my last one.

The goal was a 1km warm up, stretching, then 500m fast followed by a 1 minute walk 8 times and then a 1km cool down followed by stretching.  In my head I said I wanted the target time for all 8 500m to be under 2:30 but as close to 2:00 as possible.  When the first 500m started I went off too fast and was unsure how I would mange 8 at that pace.  When I reached 4 reps I felt 6 is enough I'll stop after 6.  When I hit 6 I told myself there was only 2 more to go I had this.  Meanwhile I think my Garmin was playing tricks on me.  I could swear that the 1 minute walk was getting shorter and shorter.  Rep 7 came and went and then on rep 8 I decided to go for broke as the rain began to bucket down.

Finished and into a 1km cool down then stretching.  I felt great afterwards.  Good workout.  Here are my times:

1: 1:54.59
2: 2:06.45
3: 2:05.29
4: 2:09.38
5: 2:07.95
6: 2:05.34
7: 2:01.25
8: 1:53.63

Two of the 500m under 2 minutes.  Delighted

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